Is Political Science A Hard College Major? Examining The Difficulty

Political science is a popular major choice for students interested in government, policy, and social issues. But how does it rate in terms of academic rigor and difficulty? This article will examine the complexity of political science curricula, the skills required, workloads, and other factors to evaluate whether political science qualifies as a ‘hard’ major.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: Political science is generally not considered one of the most difficult college majors, but it has its challenges. It requires strong writing and analytical skills more than advanced math or science.

The overall difficulty depends on the student’s aptitude and course choices.

Defining a ‘Hard’ College Major

When it comes to determining the difficulty of a college major, there are several factors to consider. These factors can vary depending on the individual’s strengths and interests. However, there are some common characteristics that often contribute to the perception of a major being “hard.”

In the case of Political Science, there are several aspects that students may find challenging.

Heavy Coursework Loads

One of the primary factors that contribute to the perceived difficulty of a college major is the workload. Political Science majors often have to take a wide range of courses, covering topics such as political theory, comparative politics, international relations, and public policy.

These courses typically require extensive reading, research, and writing assignments. The workload can be demanding and require a significant amount of time and effort to keep up with.

Extensive Reading and Writing

Political Science is a field that heavily relies on reading and writing. Students are expected to read and analyze complex texts, including political theories, historical documents, and scholarly articles.

They are then required to articulate their understanding of these readings through well-written essays and research papers. This combination of extensive reading and writing can be challenging for some students, especially those who may struggle with written communication skills.

Challenging Concepts and Theories

Political Science involves the study of complex concepts and theories that can be intellectually demanding. Students are required to understand and analyze political systems, ideologies, and institutions.

They must also be able to critically evaluate different perspectives and apply theoretical frameworks to real-world situations. This level of critical thinking and analytical skills can be challenging for some students, especially those who are new to the field.

Higher Level Math or Technical Skills

While Political Science is not typically associated with higher-level math or technical skills, some subfields within the discipline may require proficiency in quantitative analysis or statistical methods.

For example, students studying Political Science with a focus on Public Opinion or Political Behavior may need to analyze survey data or conduct statistical analysis. These technical skills can be challenging for students who have not had prior experience or training in these areas.

It’s important to note that while Political Science may be perceived as a challenging major, it can also be highly rewarding. The skills and knowledge gained through studying Political Science can be applied to a wide range of careers in fields such as government, law, public policy, and international relations.

With dedication and hard work, students can overcome the challenges and thrive in their Political Science studies.

Coursework in a Political Science Program

When pursuing a degree in political science, students can expect to encounter a diverse range of coursework that covers various aspects of the field. This includes studying social science theories and concepts, government structures and processes, public policy and law, as well as research methods and statistics.

Social Science Theories and Concepts

A crucial component of a political science program is the study of social science theories and concepts. This coursework delves into the foundational ideas that shape our understanding of politics, such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and feminism.

By exploring these theories, students gain a deeper insight into the motivations and ideologies that drive political behavior.

Government Structures and Processes

Another key area of coursework in political science focuses on government structures and processes. This entails studying the different forms of government, such as democracies, monarchies, and authoritarian regimes, and analyzing how power is distributed and exercised within these systems.

Students also examine the role of institutions, such as legislatures, executive branches, and judiciaries, in shaping public policy and governance.

Public Policy and Law

Political science programs often include coursework that delves into public policy and law. This involves analyzing the formulation and implementation of policies, as well as understanding the legal frameworks within which governments operate.

Students explore topics such as healthcare policy, environmental regulation, and constitutional law, gaining a comprehensive understanding of how policies are developed, enacted, and evaluated.

Research Methods and Statistics

Research methods and statistics form an integral part of a political science program. Students learn how to conduct research, design surveys, and analyze data to make informed conclusions. This coursework equips students with the skills necessary to critically evaluate political phenomena and contribute to the field through empirical research.

Understanding statistical analysis allows students to draw meaningful conclusions from data and make evidence-based arguments in their studies and future careers.

Skills and Abilities Needed to Succeed

Political science is a challenging major that requires a unique set of skills and abilities in order to succeed. Whether you are considering pursuing a degree in political science or are already enrolled in a program, it is important to understand the key skills that are necessary for success in this field.

Writing and Reading Comprehension

One of the most important skills for a political science major is strong writing and reading comprehension abilities. Political science courses often require extensive reading of complex texts, such as academic articles, books, and Supreme Court cases.

Additionally, students are expected to write analytical essays and research papers that effectively communicate their ideas and arguments. Developing strong writing and reading comprehension skills not only helps students excel academically but also prepares them for careers in government, law, and public policy where effective communication is crucial.

Critical Analysis

Critical analysis is another essential skill for political science majors. It involves the ability to evaluate and analyze information critically, identifying underlying assumptions, biases, and logical fallacies.

Political science courses often require students to critically analyze political theories, policies, and current events. This skill is particularly important in understanding the complexities of political systems and making informed judgments about political issues.

Research and Data Fluency

Political science is a research-intensive field that requires strong research and data fluency skills. Students must be able to gather relevant information, evaluate sources, and utilize appropriate research methodologies. This includes conducting surveys, interviews, and analyzing statistical data.

Proficiency in using software such as SPSS or Excel for data analysis is highly beneficial. Political science majors who excel in research and data analysis have a competitive edge in both academic and professional settings.

Oral Communication and Debate

Oral communication and debate skills are vital for political science majors, as they often engage in class discussions, debates, and presentations. Being able to articulate ideas clearly and persuasively is essential for success in this field.

Political science majors should be able to engage in respectful and constructive debates, defending their positions with evidence and logical reasoning. These skills are not only valuable in academic settings but also in careers that require effective public speaking, negotiation, and diplomacy.

According to a survey conducted by the American Political Science Association, 78% of political science graduates believe that the skills they gained during their studies were highly transferable to their careers.

Comparative Difficulty Level for Political Science

Less Math-Intensive Than Engineering or Physics

When it comes to the difficulty level of college majors, political science is generally considered to be less math-intensive compared to majors such as engineering or physics. While political science does involve some quantitative analysis and statistical reasoning, it is not as heavily focused on complex mathematical formulas and calculations.

This may come as a relief to students who have a strong interest in politics and social sciences but are not as comfortable with advanced mathematics. However, it’s important to note that a solid understanding of basic math concepts is still important in political science, as it forms the foundation for data analysis and research.

More Reading Than Business or Nursing Majors

One area where political science majors stand out is the amount of reading required. Political science courses typically involve extensive reading of academic texts, research papers, and political theories.

Students in this major are expected to engage critically with complex ideas and theories, analyze different perspectives, and develop their own arguments based on evidence. This emphasis on reading and analysis can be challenging, but it also provides students with the opportunity to develop strong critical thinking and communication skills.

It’s worth noting that business or nursing majors, for example, may have a different balance of reading and practical skill-based coursework.

Challenging but Feasible for Motivated Students

While political science may present its fair share of challenges, it is important to remember that no major comes without its difficulties. With dedication, motivation, and effective study habits, political science can be a feasible major for students who are passionate about understanding political systems, analyzing policies, and making a positive impact in their communities.

The key is to stay engaged in the coursework, seek out opportunities for hands-on learning, and take advantage of resources such as internships, research projects, and networking events. By actively participating in the field of political science, students can enhance their understanding and make the most of their college experience.


While not the most technically demanding major, political science still requires strong academic and analytical skills. Students who excel at critical thinking, writing, research, and debate will find political science an engaging and viable major.

Overall difficulty depends largely on each student’s strengths, course selections, and effort put into the program.

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