Is A Business Degree Considered A Bachelor Of Science?

When pursuing a business degree, you’ll have to choose between a Bachelor of Science (BS) or a Bachelor of Arts (BA). What’s the difference? If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: Business degrees can be either a BS or BA, depending on the program’s focus.

BS programs emphasize technical skills like analytics, while BA programs focus more on theory.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll analyze the key distinctions between a Bachelor of Science versus a Bachelor of Arts in business. We’ll look at the types of courses included in each program and the skills you can gain. We’ll compare potential careers you can pursue with a BS versus a BA.

We’ll also overview the differences in requirements and credits. By the end, you’ll understand the characteristics of a BS in business and whether it’s the right choice for your goals.

BS in Business Curriculum and Courses

When pursuing a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Business, students can expect a curriculum that combines foundational business knowledge with a focus on quantitative coursework, technical skills training, and science requirements.

This unique combination of subjects ensures that graduates are equipped with a well-rounded skill set that is highly sought after in today’s competitive job market.

Quantitative Coursework

One of the key distinguishing factors of a BS in Business is the emphasis on quantitative coursework. Students will delve into subjects such as mathematics, statistics, and economics, which play a crucial role in analyzing and interpreting data in the business world.

These courses provide students with the necessary skills to make data-driven decisions and solve complex business problems.

Technical Skills Training

In addition to quantitative coursework, a BS in Business also includes technical skills training. This involves learning how to effectively utilize various software applications and tools that are essential in today’s digital business environment.

Students may gain proficiency in areas such as data analysis, financial modeling, and project management software. These skills not only enhance students’ ability to excel in their future careers but also make them more adaptable to the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Science Requirements

While a BS degree typically has a stronger focus on science-related coursework compared to a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, the specific science requirements may vary depending on the institution. Some programs may require students to take courses in subjects such as biology, chemistry, or physics, while others may offer more specialized options like environmental science or computer science.

These science requirements provide students with a broader understanding of scientific principles and their applications in the business world.

BA in Business Curriculum and Courses

When pursuing a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Business, students can expect a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics. The program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in business principles and practices, preparing them for various roles in the corporate world.

Theoretical Concepts

One of the key components of the BA in Business curriculum is the study of theoretical concepts. Students will delve into subjects such as economics, accounting, finance, marketing, and management. By understanding these fundamental theories, students gain a solid understanding of how businesses operate and make informed decisions based on their analysis.

This knowledge is crucial for success in the business world.

Critical Thinking Skills

In addition to theoretical concepts, the BA in Business curriculum places a strong emphasis on developing critical thinking skills. Students are encouraged to analyze complex business problems, evaluate different perspectives, and propose innovative solutions.

This helps students develop the ability to think critically and make sound business decisions, which is highly valued by employers in today’s competitive job market.

Language Requirements

While the focus of a BA in Business is predominantly on business-related courses, many programs also require students to fulfill language requirements. These requirements may include studying a foreign language or taking courses in business communication.

The reasoning behind this is to equip students with strong communication skills, which are essential in the business world. Effective communication allows professionals to convey their ideas clearly, collaborate with colleagues, and negotiate deals successfully.

Careers for BS Business vs. BA Business Grads

When it comes to pursuing a business degree, students often have the option to choose between a Bachelor of Science (BS) or a Bachelor of Arts (BA) program. While both degrees offer valuable knowledge and skills in the field of business, there are some differences in the career paths available to graduates of each program.

Paths for BS Grads

Students who graduate with a BS in Business often have a more quantitative and analytical skillset, making them well-suited for careers in finance, accounting, and data analysis. These graduates typically have a strong understanding of statistics, financial modeling, and market research, which allows them to excel in roles such as financial analyst, investment banker, or management consultant.

With their strong analytical abilities, BS business grads are highly sought after in industries that require data-driven decision making.

According to a study conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the average starting salary for BS business graduates is $60,000 per year. This higher earning potential can be attributed to the specialized skillset and in-demand nature of their chosen career paths.

Paths for BA Grads

On the other hand, students who graduate with a BA in Business often have a more well-rounded education, with a focus on areas such as marketing, entrepreneurship, and human resources. These graduates typically possess strong communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills, which make them ideal candidates for roles in marketing, sales, and management.

BA business grads often excel in positions such as marketing manager, business development specialist, or HR generalist, where their ability to understand and connect with people is highly valued.

According to the same NACE study, the average starting salary for BA business graduates is $50,000 per year. While this is slightly lower than the average for BS graduates, it is still a respectable salary considering the wide range of career paths available to BA business grads.

Salary Differences

It’s important to note that salary differences between BS and BA business graduates can vary depending on factors such as industry, location, and level of experience. While BS business grads may have a higher starting salary, BA business grads often have more flexibility in terms of career paths and industries they can pursue.

Additionally, as both degrees provide a strong foundation in business principles, graduates from both programs have the potential to earn higher salaries as they gain more experience and advance in their careers.

Comparing BS and BA Requirements

Credit Differences

When it comes to comparing the requirements of a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, one of the main differences lies in the credit requirements. Typically, a BS degree requires a higher number of credits in the major field of study compared to a BA degree.

This is because a BS degree places a stronger emphasis on technical skills and knowledge in a specific area. In contrast, a BA degree often includes a broader range of courses, allowing students to explore multiple disciplines.

Math and Science Courses

Another notable difference between a BS and a BA degree is the number and type of math and science courses required. A BS degree often requires more math and science courses, as it is designed to provide a more in-depth understanding of scientific principles and analytical skills.

These courses may include subjects such as calculus, physics, chemistry, and statistics. On the other hand, a BA degree may have fewer math and science requirements, focusing more on humanities, social sciences, and liberal arts.

Liberal Arts Focus

While a BS degree tends to have a stronger focus on technical and scientific disciplines, a BA degree often emphasizes a broader liberal arts education. This means that BA degree programs may require a greater number of courses in areas such as history, literature, philosophy, and social sciences.

The liberal arts focus of a BA degree allows students to develop critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills that are valuable in a wide range of careers.

It’s important to note that the specific requirements for a BS or BA degree can vary between universities and degree programs. Therefore, it’s essential for students to carefully review the curriculum and requirements of the specific program they are interested in pursuing.

Deciding Between a BS or BA in Business

When considering pursuing a degree in business, one of the important decisions to make is whether to pursue a Bachelor of Science (BS) or a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Business. Both degrees have their own unique advantages and it is important to carefully consider your skills, think about specialization, and talk to your advisor before making a decision.

Consider Your Skills

One of the first factors to consider when deciding between a BS or BA in Business is your own set of skills. The BS degree tends to be more technical and analytical in nature, focusing on quantitative methods, data analysis, and problem-solving.

If you have strong mathematical and analytical skills, and enjoy working with numbers and data, a BS in Business might be a great fit for you. On the other hand, if you have strong communication and interpersonal skills, and enjoy working with people and understanding their behaviors and motivations, a BA in Business might be a better choice.

Think About Specialization

Another important factor to consider is the area of specialization that interests you the most. Both the BS and BA in Business offer a wide range of specialization options, such as finance, marketing, human resources, and entrepreneurship.

Consider your career goals and the field you want to work in, and research which degree aligns best with your desired specialization. For example, if you are interested in finance and want to pursue a career in investment banking, a BS in Business with a concentration in finance might provide you with the technical skills and knowledge required for success in that field.

Alternatively, if you are interested in marketing and want to work in advertising or branding, a BA in Business with a concentration in marketing might be a better fit for you.

Talk to Your Advisor

Ultimately, the decision between a BS or BA in Business should be made in consultation with your academic advisor. They can provide valuable insights into the curriculum and requirements of each degree program, as well as offer guidance based on your individual strengths and career goals.

Your advisor can help you explore the different options available to you and provide personalized recommendations.

Remember, there is no right or wrong choice when it comes to deciding between a BS or BA in Business. It ultimately depends on your own skills, interests, and career goals. By considering your skills, thinking about specialization, and talking to your advisor, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations and sets you up for success in the field of business.


In summary, both the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts can lead to business careers, but they focus on different skillsets. BS programs emphasize quantitative skills like statistics, analytics, and IT. BA programs focus more on communication skills and business theory.

Consider your strengths and interests when choosing between these options. Either business degree can set you up for success with the right specialization and motivation.

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