First Year Computer Science Internships: A Complete Guide

As a computer science student, landing an internship after your first year can greatly accelerate your learning and career progression. But finding those coveted openings takes effort and strategic preparation.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: Building your skills, expanding your network, targeting smaller companies, and having resumes reviewed by peers/advisors can increase your odds of getting first year computer science internships.

In this comprehensive 3000 word guide, we provide tips on finding and securing first year computer science internships, from where to look to how to make your application stand out.

Benefits of First Year Internships

Gain Valuable Experience

One of the major benefits of first-year internships is the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the field of computer science. As a first-year student, you may not have as much experience as older students, but internships allow you to get hands-on experience and learn practical skills that can’t be taught in the classroom.

It’s a chance to apply what you’ve learned and see how it translates to real-world scenarios. This experience not only gives you a better understanding of the industry, but it also helps you build a solid foundation for your future career.

Test Drive Company Cultures

Internships provide you with the opportunity to test drive different company cultures. This is especially beneficial for first-year students who may not have a clear idea of what type of work environment they thrive in.

By interning at different companies, you can see firsthand how different organizations operate and determine what aligns with your values and goals. This can help you make more informed decisions about your future career path and give you a better understanding of what you’re looking for in a company.

Expand Your Professional Network

First-year internships offer a chance to expand your professional network. During your internship, you’ll have the opportunity to work with professionals in the field and build relationships with mentors, colleagues, and industry leaders.

These connections can be invaluable as you progress in your career, as they can provide guidance, mentorship, and even potential job opportunities. Building a strong professional network early on can give you a competitive edge and open doors to future opportunities.

Make Your Resume More Competitive

Having a first-year internship on your resume can make it more competitive in the job market. Employers value real-world experience, and internships demonstrate that you have taken the initiative to gain practical skills and apply your knowledge.

It shows that you are proactive, motivated, and willing to go above and beyond. Having an internship early on can help set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of landing future internships and job offers.

Where to Find Open Internships

Looking for a first-year computer science internship can be an exciting and challenging endeavor. But don’t worry, there are plenty of resources available to help you find open internships. Here are some of the best places to start your search:

Company Websites

One of the most effective ways to find open internships is by checking out the websites of companies you are interested in. Many companies have dedicated internship pages on their websites where they list available positions.

Take some time to explore the career section of the company’s website and look for any internship opportunities. You may also want to sign up for their newsletter or follow their social media accounts to stay updated on any new openings.

Campus Career Centers

Your college or university’s career center is a valuable resource for finding internships. They often have partnerships with local businesses and employers who are specifically looking to hire students.

Visit your career center and schedule an appointment with a career counselor who can guide you through the process of finding internships. They can provide you with valuable advice, help you polish your resume, and even connect you with potential employers.

Online Job Boards

Online job boards are a great place to find open internships in the field of computer science. Websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Monster often have a vast number of internship opportunities listed. You can search for internships by location, company, or specific keywords.

Don’t forget to create an account and set up job alerts so that you get notified whenever new internships matching your criteria become available.


LinkedIn is a powerful networking platform and can be a great resource for finding internships. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and showcases your skills and experiences. Join relevant computer science groups and follow companies you are interested in.

Many companies post internship openings on their LinkedIn pages, and you can even reach out to recruiters directly through the platform. Networking with professionals in your field can also lead to internship opportunities, so don’t be shy about connecting with people and reaching out for advice.

Computer Science Related Forums

Computer science forums and online communities can be a goldmine for finding internships. Websites like Reddit, Stack Overflow, and GitHub have active communities where professionals and enthusiasts share information and opportunities.

Check out the job boards or internship sections of these forums, as they often have postings from companies looking for interns. It’s also a great place to ask for advice and recommendations from people who have already gone through the internship process.

Remember, finding an internship is all about being proactive and utilizing the resources available to you. By exploring company websites, visiting your campus career center, checking online job boards, leveraging LinkedIn, and participating in computer science forums, you’ll increase your chances of finding the perfect first-year computer science internship.

Good luck!

Making Yourself a Strong Candidate

Securing a computer science internship in your first year can be challenging, but with the right preparation, you can become a strong candidate. Here are some essential steps to help you stand out from the competition:

Take Relevant Coursework

One way to make yourself a strong candidate for a computer science internship is to take relevant coursework. Look for classes that align with the specific skills and technologies sought by companies in the industry.

This could include programming languages like Python, Java, or C++, as well as courses in data structures, algorithms, and software development methodologies.

By demonstrating that you have a strong foundation in computer science through your coursework, employers will see that you have the necessary skills to excel in an internship role.

Build Technical Skills

In addition to taking relevant coursework, it’s important to build your technical skills outside of the classroom. Consider working on personal projects or joining coding clubs and organizations to gain practical experience.

These experiences will not only enhance your technical abilities but also demonstrate your passion and dedication to the field.

Furthermore, staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies in computer science is crucial. Explore online resources, attend workshops, and participate in hackathons to expand your knowledge and showcase your adaptability.

Practice Interviewing

Interviewing can be nerve-wracking, especially for an internship position. To increase your chances of success, practice your interviewing skills. Research common interview questions for computer science internships and prepare thoughtful, well-reasoned responses.

Consider participating in mock interviews or seeking feedback from mentors or career services professionals. By honing your interviewing skills, you’ll feel more confident and be better equipped to impress potential employers.

Work on Professional Development

Don’t overlook the importance of professional development when aiming for a computer science internship. Employers value candidates who possess strong communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

Engage in activities that can help you develop these skills, such as joining student organizations, taking on leadership roles, or participating in community service. These experiences will not only make you a more well-rounded candidate but also demonstrate your ability to work effectively in a team and handle real-world challenges.

Internship Application Tips

Write a Strong Cover Letter

When applying for a computer science internship, it’s important to write a strong cover letter that showcases your skills and experiences. Your cover letter should be well-written, concise, and tailored to the specific internship you are applying for.

It should highlight your passion for computer science, your relevant coursework, and any previous internships or projects you have worked on. Make sure to address the hiring manager by name if possible, and explain why you are interested in the internship and how it aligns with your career goals.

Highlight Course Projects

One way to stand out in your internship application is to highlight your course projects. These projects demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts you have learned in your computer science classes to real-world problems.

Include information about the projects you have worked on, the programming languages you used, and the tools or technologies you utilized. If possible, provide examples of the impact your projects had or any positive feedback you received.

This will demonstrate your ability to work on complex projects and showcase your problem-solving skills.

Include Code Samples

Including code samples in your internship application can give potential employers a glimpse into your coding abilities. Select a few of your best code samples that demonstrate your proficiency in the programming languages relevant to the internship.

Make sure to comment and explain your code so that it is easy for the reader to understand. You can include your code samples as attachments or provide links to your GitHub or other coding repositories.

This will show that you have hands-on experience and are capable of writing clean and efficient code.

Get Your Resume Reviewed

Before submitting your internship application, it’s essential to have your resume reviewed by someone with experience in the computer science field. This could be a professor, a career counselor, or someone working in the industry.

They can provide valuable feedback on the structure, content, and formatting of your resume. They may also be able to offer suggestions on how to highlight your skills and experiences effectively. Getting your resume reviewed can help ensure that it is polished and professional, increasing your chances of getting selected for an interview.

Increase Your Odds with Smaller Companies

When it comes to securing a first-year computer science internship, many students tend to focus their efforts on well-known tech giants or established companies. While these companies certainly have their benefits, it’s important not to overlook the opportunities that smaller companies can offer.

In fact, interning at a smaller company can greatly increase your odds of landing an internship and provide you with unique experiences and opportunities that you may not find elsewhere.

Less Competition, More Opportunities

One of the main advantages of targeting smaller companies for your first-year computer science internship is that there is typically less competition compared to larger, more well-known companies. This means that your application may stand out more in a smaller pool of candidates, increasing your chances of being selected.

Smaller companies often have fewer applicants to choose from, giving you a greater opportunity to showcase your skills and make a strong impression.

More Hands-On Experience

Smaller companies often provide interns with more hands-on experience compared to larger companies. Due to the smaller team size and fewer hierarchical layers, interns at smaller companies are often given more responsibility and the chance to work on a wider range of tasks.

This can be a great opportunity to gain practical experience and develop a diverse skill set. Additionally, at smaller companies, you may have the chance to work directly with senior engineers or even the company’s founders, allowing you to learn from experienced professionals and make valuable connections.

Opportunity for Growth and Leadership

Interning at a smaller company can also provide you with unique opportunities for growth and leadership. In a smaller team, your contributions may have a more significant impact and you may have the chance to take on leadership roles or spearhead projects.

This can be a great way to demonstrate your initiative, problem-solving skills, and ability to work independently. Additionally, being part of a smaller company can give you insights into the various aspects of running a business, which can be invaluable knowledge as you progress in your career.

Building a Diverse Network

Working at a smaller company allows you to build a more diverse network of professionals in the industry. While larger companies may have more employees, smaller companies often have a close-knit community where you can establish meaningful connections with colleagues, mentors, and even clients.

These connections can be beneficial not only during your internship but also in the long run, as they can lead to future job opportunities, collaborations, or recommendations.

Remember, internships are not just about the name of the company or its reputation. It’s about the experiences and skills you gain during your time there. So don’t overlook smaller companies when searching for your first-year computer science internship.

They can offer unique opportunities and increase your odds of landing a valuable internship.


In summary, first year computer science internships offer invaluable experience and networking opportunities that can propel your education and career. By proactively developing your skills, targeting applications strategically, and promoting your CS abilities, you can obtain those coveted openings even without prior work experience.

Don’t get discouraged if searching takes persistence. With preparation and applying broadly, you can land an internship that kicks off your professional journey on the right foot.

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